Write short note on 'Venn Diagram'. Illustrate your answer with suitable example.


Write short note on 'Venn Diagram'. Illustrate your answer with suitable example.

Solution: A venn diagram is a visual technique which shows relationship between Universal set, their sub-sets and certain operations on sets.

Set B is subset of set A (B ⊂ A).

Basic operations of Sets:

1. Intersection : Intersection of sets contain common elements between the sets.

2. Union : Union of sets contains all the elements of sets, on which union operation is performed.

3. Difference : The difference of two sets A and B is given by the elements which belong to set A but not belong to set B.

4. Complement of a Set: Complement of set A is the elements of a Universal set which do not belong to the Set A.

5. Disjoin ot Sets : Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint if they have no common elements.


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